Our Publications
By Ami Sengupta y Arvind Singhal. Publicado en Handbook of Communication and Development. Pp. 302-321. Edited by Srinivas Raj Melkote and Arvind Singhal (2021).
By Nora Sugobono, El Comercio (2020).
By Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic Fund (2019).
By National Geographic Society (2019).
By Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic Fund (2018).
By Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic Fund (2017).
By Lucia Durá, Arvind Singhal and Eliana Elías. First published in Rhetoric, Professional Communication and Globalization journal (2013), re-published in The Communication Initiative – Education (2017).
By Valerie Craig, National Geographic Society (2016).
By Sarah Appleton, National Geographic (2015).
Análisis de las exportaciones de artesanías de la región Loreto, periodo: 2009 – 2013 (Analysis of the artisanal exports from the Loreto Region, from 2009- 2013)
By Diana Llanos Rodríguez y Fiorella del Pilar Tirado Tello (2015).
Análisis de Contenido de Buenas Practicas Comunicacionales para Abordar el Maltrato Familiar y La Violencia de Genero en Niños y Mujeres (Best Practices in Communications Internventions to Prevent Family Violence and Gender-Based Violence).
By Josefina Vásquez Awad, COPERA Infancia (2014).
The Handbook of Global Health Communication – Chapter 23
By Ami Sengupta, Eliana Elías, Rafael Obregon and Silvio Waisbord (2012).
By Lucia Dura, Arvind Singhal and Eliana Elias (2010). In Michael B. Hinner (Ed.) (2010), Interface of Business and Culture (pp. 481-502). Berlin, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH.
By John De Frank (December 16, 2010).
By Thomas Tufte y Paolo Mefalopulos, World Bank (2009).
Description of Featured Speakers, (2008).
“Entertainment-Education and Health Promotion: A cross-continental Journey,” Arvind Singhal, Kimani Njogu and Eliana Elías, Communication of Innovations. Sage Publications, (2006).
By Arin Farrington. Ford Foundation Report (Fall 2003).
By Mary Riley and Dean Bartholomew (2002).
By Dean Bartholomoew, Curltural Survival Quarterly Magazine (2000).
Eliana was interviewed by CNN to speak on Minga’s work to combat violence against women and change the narrative that has created a culture of inequality
Promoviendo la Salud Reproductiva a través del Entretenimiento – Educación en la Amazonía Peruana: La Difusión Radial de ¡Bienvenida Salud!
Communication Theory. Oxford University Press. Sypher, Ventsam, y Elías, 2001
“Iniciativa de los Recursos de los Pueblos Amazónicos: Promoviendo los Derechos Reproductivos y el Desarrollo de la Comunidad en la Amazonía Peruana”
By Harvard Journal of Health and Human Rights: Edición Especial de Derechos Reproductivos y Sexuales, 4 No. 2. (2001).
Salud Reproductiva en la Amazonía: Perspectivas desde el género, la cultura y la comunicación.
Ediciones Minga Perú, con el auspicio de la Fundación Ford. Eliana Elías y Eloy Neira: Compiladores
Dialogic Entertainment-Education, Community Leadership, and Sustainable Livelihoods
Minga Perú’s Model for Social Transformation in the Peruvian Amazon. A report to the Inter-American Foundation. Minga Perú Ediciones. Arvind Singhal.Por Michael J. Papa, Arvind Singhal y Wendy H. Papa
Organizing for Social Change: A Dialectic Journey of Theory and Praxis
By Michael J. Papa, Arvind Singhal and Wendy H. Papa